Saturday, December 12, 2009

TV Shows

We have stopped watching several TV shows that were once real favorites, because a main character has cancer. It is not exactly entertaining to watch someone grappling with the disease.
So, for instance, we used to like Grey's Anatomy, although the show had already gone down hill last season. It is so hard to sustain good writing, season after season. But this year, with Izzie's ongoing battle with cancer, it is just too much.
The same goes for Brothers & Sisters, another real favorite. I particularly like Sally Field, but when Kalista Flockhart's cancer returned at the beginning of this season, we clicked to another channel. I hope she recovers.
And then last night, I caught the second half of Law & Order, not a show we watch faithfully but one we'll watch occasionally. So I don't know when Lt. Van Beuren's cancer started, but must be a while ago, since she is back at work with a wig. So take that off our 'watch' list.
I am sure these shows' writers feel it adds to the realism to have a character with cancer, but I can't imagine it adds to the entertainment for the millions with cancer. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe others with cancer appreciate being included. I certainly don't.
Interesting that those with cancer are all women on these shows. Is that because TV men are too strong to get cancer? Do we have sexist disease casting???

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